Vice President
Vice President

Dr. Drew Ronneberg, Vice President, has worked with companies and universities on federal marketing, strategic teaming and appropriations lobbying since 2011. Drew’s specific areas of expertise are energy and material technologies including batteries, engines, metals, and composites.

Prior to joining SMI, Drew worked at the Department of Energy. As the Supervisor of the Engines, Fuels and Deployment Division in the Vehicle Technologies Program, Drew´s responsibilities included overseeing over $100 million in annual Research, Development and Deployment activities, standing up the $105 million SuperTruck and $104 million National Laboratory Facilities Recovery Act programs. In the role as the Acting Wind and Water Program Manager, Drew led the release of the 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report that detailed the feasibility of deriving a significant fraction of the nation´s electricity from wind energy. It was the first government report that demonstrated such a capability.

Drew holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Occidental College and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Princeton University.

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